Jeg holder foredrag på skoler, i kirker, højskoler m.fl. og arrangerer pædagogiske konferencer om disse emner:
Kampen for en menneskelig skole
Hvad er god undervisning? Pædagogik?
Gert Biestas pædagogik i teori og praksis[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]&view=titles
Genopdag skolen - af en lærers dagbog Om min bog af samme navn
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Skolens genopdagelse – af en lærers dagbog
14.januar 2025 udgives min bog og kan købes i boghandlen
Gert Biesta-event 22/1 2025 CC art Contemporary
I anledning af, at hans bog Educational Research. An unortodox introduction nu oversættes til dansk. Se program her:
Omtale af bogen i, da den udkom på engelsk i 2020
September 2024 mit signatur indlæg om karakterdannelse i Solidaritet
26. juni 2024 ”Skolens demokrati er solgt til pengestærke fonde”. Mit signatur-indlæg i Solidaritet
15/4 2024 Kronik i nettidsskriftet Ræson om skolen og Brinkmanns Karakterdannelsesprojekt
8/4 2024 Debat i DRs Supertanker om skolen og Gert Biestas pædagogik
April 2024 i Solidaritet: Om folkeskolen og demokrati, interview med formand for Københavns Lærerforening Katrine Fylking
Marts 2024 i Solidartet: Om fondstyring, interview med forsker Dion Rüsselbæk Hansen
Signatur-indlæg for Solidaritet feb. 2
Også omtalt her:
Signatur-indlæg i Solidaritet jan.2024:
Boglancering: Lad kunst undervise - kunstundervisning ´efter´ Beuys Boglancering 24/1 2024, Læreruddannelsen i Aarhus, gratis adgang
”Skolen SKAL være god”
Mit december Signaturindlæg for Solidaritet
Pædagogik – et kunstnerisk felt
Se mine seneste blogindlæg i
Min seneste kronik "Skolens formål er sat ud af spillet. bliv vred"
Min seneste bogomtale, Niels Chr. Sauers "Folkeskolens veje og vildveje"
Kunstneren Joseph Beuys´ event fra 1965 har inspireret Gert Biesta til at skrive bogen "Letting Art Teach" (2017).
Denne bog har jeg oversat for Forlaget KLIM. Bogen kan forudbestilles:
Yderligere om bogen:
Mit debatindlæg i Skolemonitor 31. marts 2022
Mit blog-indlæg i 27. april 2022
Interview i Kristeligt Dagblad 8. januar 2022
Indlæg i Skolemonitor, Politiken, 6. januar 2022
foto 2017
"You do not even know Danish, why should I teach you English?"
Inclusion of dyslexics in primary school? How do you as a dyslexic manage to continue an education when you are actually excluded?
Gert Biesta and I were invited last Thursday (25.11.21) to give a presentation to 200 reading- and mathematics tutors about educational transitions from primary school to other educations and I had in connection to this embarked on comprehensive research of the status quo: How is it going with the inclusion?
The above title - which is just one of the memories of a person with dyslexia from her primary school days, which I came across in my research - stingingly concretizes the diverse experiences of failure, teasing, mockery that many dyslexics carry with them in their school bag when they have finished primary school and are going on to other levels of education.
Many did not pass an exam and must apply for a second chance; others have to receive therapy to overcome failures and the personal consequences.
So how do you overcome educational transitions?
That was the question that Gert Biesta and I were trying to throw light on the other day.
I won´t reproduce our presentations in detail here, but simply point to the conclusion - intended as a call to politicians and others with an interest in inclusion: For action.
Go out into the real world and talk to those involved; for what are all good intentions of the coveted and pervasive concept formation/Bildung worth, if there are no links to pedagogy ?
The daily struggle in the school to be able to practice pedagogy should quite contrary be in the spotlight.
Pedagogic life is rooted in educational policy on school frameworks: the three-dimensional meeting teacher, student, substance requires good frames.
All involved in the midst of the extensive inclusion problems have become mature for a political struggle for pedagogy.
The included children, young people and their teachers and those around them should now be handed over the microphone and be allowed to talk in order to be listened to: pedagogy is not just about ´bringing´ children and young people into current norms and traditions, in the way the ´knowledge school´ is expected to form them and cultivate them with the Bildung discourse.
Pedagogy is more than just giving qualifications to the children to fit in society.
The heart of pedagogy beats first and foremost for the school's freedom to give children and young people the opportunity to meet themselves, their freedom and the opportunity to think things over, to discover their own will and judgment. It is in this perspective that children and young people may be 'awakened' with art and insight into the world's diversity and adventurousness.
The starting point of pedagogy is not with the purpose of formation/Bildung to fill the children with curriculum. Drop this. Instead, put forward from the very beginning at school: spotlight on school as a free place for people to become human beings who – through art, magic and the enchantment of the world – get the possibility to meet good education with the purpose of getting into the world, existing in a proper way as subjects; which all requires a good framework, happy teachers and a content that matters to those involved.
Julie Skibelund, FGU-lærer: Hvordan føler en elev med dysleksi/ordblindhed sig inkluderet i undervisningen samtidig med at have følelsen af at være forstået? Jeg kan fortælle af egen erfaring, at jeg IKKE følte mig inkluderet eller forstået, da min engelsklærer tilbage i 4. klasse sagde til mig ”du kan jo ikke en gang dansk, hvorfor skal jeg lære dig engelsk?” Det er en lille erindring fra min skoletid, der har fuldt mig gennem hele mit uddannelsesforløb. Det er en følelse af at blive misforstået som mine elever nikker genkendende til. Så hvordan inkluderer vi eleverne og forstår deres ordblindevanskeligheder. Det bliver udgangspunktet for mit oplæg.
Pædagogikkens sted er ikke dannelse eller læring – men tilværelsen, livet, verden. Det brænder under skole og uddannelse; smerten er ikke længere til at pakke ind i teoretiske termer eller yderligtgående frontkrige
"Ordblinde har ikke brug for spotlys"
Om almen pædagogik i ordblindeundervisning
Kronikken kan også læses her:
Vi er tilbage i den sorte skoles overfladiske tilpasningsskole.
I Carsten Ortmanns Supertanker "Skole, læring - for livet? Eller til eksamen? DR LYD"
"Sluk computeren - tænd livet". Folkeskolen dk. 17. maj 2020
Om ordblinde og eksamen på konferencen i 2012
Pædagogik er...
...frihedens mulighed for at møde sin egen frihed
…didaktik har hensigten om demokrati, åndsfrihed og ligeværd indbygget, derfor…
….er det en i politisk kamp værdigt at fastholde, at ingen mål, kompetencer eller konkurrencestatsinteresser skal bestemme over de grundlæggende værdier i skole- og uddannelsespolitik.